Sunday 20 January 2008

03.religious fanatics

We are told that Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah declared yesterday, that his armed group "has body parts of Israeli soldiers killed in Lebanon during the 2006 conflict."

He said they had the "heads, the hands, the feet and even a nearly intact cadaver".

So the Hezbollahs and their leader are inhuman savages. I can just imagine the reverse situation, with Moslems' body parts being held by Israel for barter. There would be world wide riots - well organized and conveniently used by the rabble to loot as much property as possible.

The Moslems claim to be a peace loving religion. Indeed, many Moslems are not terrorists, or suicide bombers. But every single suicide bomber is a Moslem - and so were all the perpetrators of the 9/11 airplane outrage. They are indoctrinated and groomed by their religious leaders.

The Moslem religion is some 600 years younger than Christianity and they are now in their analogous medieval period. Inquisitions, burning people alive, stoning women who had been raped - and much more. They call their Crusades "jihad". The main target is still the Holy Land. It is an aggressive religion. Factions such as Shiites and Sunnies kill each other - I am not sure why.

Their aim is to create a totally Moslem world - and they will probably succeed. But give them another few hundred years, and they may become civilized as the Christians did. We die in hope...

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