Saturday 2 February 2008

06.Happy Days

Ruth received the exam results for the term at Nottingham University. She is in first place overall!!

It helps when one studies seriosly and if it is an interesting subject: also, she had worked very hard.

She thought that she was 'lucky with her genes' - after all she is studying a biology-type topic.

So I reminded her, that we had an extremely clever milkman at that time.

Heather has been struggling to get used to her new up-graded flute. I sat in the shop with her (near Waterloo) for over an hour, while she tried half a dozen instruments, with the most expert and kind help of the vendor, until she made her choice.

She still had doubts, but 3 days ago she told us that she thought that she had finally 'turned the corner' and last Thursday she took the new instrument to her music group. They were quite impressed, how much better it sounded. She also managed some notes, which had been impossible on the old flute.

So now she will take the previous flute to that shop - for them to sell.

I had photographed 4 slide films - that's over 150 pictures. To my delight, virtually all were at the correct exposure, and now I'm mounting and labelling them. It's exacting work (see a previous blog).

I also found a German painter who portrayed a clear picture of thyrotoxic goiter. The model was his fiancee. So her rapid heartbeat was not entirely due to being in love... My slide talk on medical aspects of art is gaining cases.
I've got my new glasses for computer uses. Half the weight of the double-glazed pair.

For the approacing 60th anniversary of Israel, I offered Judith's synagogue magazine a reminiscence of my participation in the Nuqeib action. I'm keepin it under 'self-imposed embargo' until it appears in early May. By then I might know how to copy and paste into the blog.

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