Friday 7 March 2008

11-b.Visual Aids cont.

Ahh, Ruth did say that I have to download the image first...

On the
previous blog, I did actually delete the text that I had started, and then tried to download the image.

But it still didn't work. Sometimes you cannot out-smart the machine... So I have to plan ahead.

Judah [the son of Jacob] lost his son, before they had children, and according to custom the widow Tamar should have been married to the remaining son. But Judah delayed, in case Tamar caused the death of her next husband.

Judah then lost his wife. After a while his sexual appetite returned. He travelled to shear his sheep - possibly a euphemism. His widowed daughter-in-law heard of it, disguised herself and sat at the roadside. Judah duly approached her, thinking she was a prostitute.
On finding the painting, the caption became quite obvious to me:
"American Express? -That will do nicely".

This would have changed the continuation of the Biblical narrative. To prove that her father-in-law was the cause of her pregnancy, she would have had to produce the VISA receipt, instead of Judah's staff and seal.

Next blog - Joseph.

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